Island View High School

March 3rd, 2020

• Please be advised the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Attendance Policy indicates a high school student must be present for a minimum of 80% of classes in a course or risk losing credit eligibility. This means a student can miss no more than 17 classes in any one course. For more information on the policy, please see the IVHS website.

• Mandatory Europe Trip meeting in room 321 at lunch on Thursday.
information on trip updates and EF swag will be passed out.
All students going on this trip must be in attendance.

• On March 5, between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm in the Youth Health Centre, there will be a display of donated prom gowns from The Glass Slipper. The dresses are free.

• GSA is cancelled today, March 3.

• The Learning Center is selling popcorn at lunch outside of room 215.  Don't miss out on delicious tasting theater-style popcorn!

• Badminton Club Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. Anyone interested in playing come to the gym after the bell. Proper gym footwear please.

• Yearbook meeting Mondays at lunch in 321. 

• Yearbook Committee is pre-selling yearbooks at lunch Thursdays and Fridays, main floor.

• Mathletes meeting in Mr. Hammer’s room on Wednesdays at lunch. Bring your lunch and your friends and try solving some fun math problems together. All are welcome!

• Intramurals are volleyball, table tennis, and basketball.

• Programming Club, Room 309 at 2:10 Thursdays.   

• Open Studio, a creative self-directed space, is open on Mondays and Thursdays at lunch time in room 117. Bring your lunch; bring a friend. All are welcome.

• Art Club Wednesdays afterschool from 2:20-4:20 in room 117. These sessions will have a theme but anyone is welcome to join us at any time.


• Grade 12 students are reminded to check the upcoming scholarship list posted outside of guidance.


• A reminder to all students they must vacate the building at 2:30 pm unless there is a scheduled school event with a teacher present and/or if a student wishes to consult with a teacher regarding program.

• Students bringing cars to school are asked to drop by the main office and provide us with your name, car make and model and license plate.

• Students are not to park in the gravel HRM lot next door.  You are asked to park in the school’s lot next to Seaside Elementary.

• A reminder that eating food in the gym is not permitted. Please eat your food out of the gym before entering.

• The winter weather is here which means messier feet. Please make sure your footwear is clean and dry before entering the gym. Clean footwear only.

• A reminder that we are a scent-aware building so please be respectful with regard to the use of scents.