Island View High School

March 9th, 2020

• Please be advised the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Attendance Policy indicates a high school student must be present for a minimum of 80% of classes in a course or risk losing credit eligibility. This means a student can miss no more than 17 classes in any one course. For more information on the policy, please see the IVHS website.

• Congratulations to Lucy Elwood on winning first place gold in the NSSAF wrestling championships this weekend.

• No cheer practice this evening.  Next practice is March 23.

• The Learning Center is selling popcorn at lunch outside of room 215.  Don't miss out on delicious tasting theater-style popcorn!

• Badminton Club Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. Anyone interested in playing come to the gym after the bell. Proper gym footwear please.

• Yearbook meeting Mondays at lunch in 321. 

• Yearbook Committee is pre-selling yearbooks at lunch Thursdays and Fridays, main floor. Price is $45.

• Mathletes meeting in Mr. Hammer’s room on Wednesdays at lunch. Bring your lunch and your friends and try solving some fun math problems together. All are welcome!

• Intramurals are volleyball, table tennis, and basketball.

• Programming Club, Room 309 at 2:10 Thursdays.   

• Open Art Studio, a creative self-directed space, is open on Mondays and Thursdays at lunch time in room 117. Bring your lunch; bring a friend. All are welcome.

• Art Club Wednesdays after school from 2:20-4:20 in room 117. These sessions will have a theme but anyone is welcome to join us at any time.


• Grade 12 students are reminded to check the upcoming scholarship list posted outside of guidance.


• A reminder to all students they must vacate the building at 2:30 pm unless there is a scheduled school event with a teacher present and/or if a student wishes to consult with a teacher regarding program.

• Students bringing cars to school are asked to drop by the main office and provide us with your name, car make and model and license plate.

• Students are not to park in the gravel HRM lot next door.  You are asked to park in the school’s lot next to Seaside Elementary.

• A reminder that eating food in the gym is not permitted. Please eat your food out of the gym before entering.

• The winter weather is here which means messier feet. Please make sure your footwear is clean and dry before entering the gym. Clean footwear only.

• A reminder that we are a scent-aware building so please be respectful with regard to the use of scents.