Island View High School

June 17: Grade 12 Student Schedule for the Presentation of Diplomas on June 25.

June 17, 2020

Dear Graduates,

Please find attached a copy of the schedule for the Presentation of Diplomas on June 25.


A. Make sure that you hand in all Chromebooks, chargers, text books, school uniforms, library books, etc. before June 24.

B. Make sure that you keep your eye on the Graduation Google Classroom-all the information you need is there.

C. We are doing a video- you can only be included in it if you sign the media release.

D. Make sure you know your appointment time and communicate it to your guests.

1.Students can now bring 4 people to the Presentation of Diplomas. If the 4 guests are not in the same bubble they must maintain social distancing.

2. The graduating students and 4 guests must show up in no more than two cars, preferably 1.

3. Cars come down Ocean View School Road, turn into the bus loop and turn right, down the hill into the lower parking lot.

4. Students and guests show up 15-20 minutes before their scheduled time.

5. The Graduating Party come into the school at the assigned door. Come into the school in front of the washrooms on the first floor.

6. Student checks in, picks up gown, hat and tassel and stole. The hat, tassel and stole are kept by the Graduate. The gown must be returned before leaving. There are black disposable gowns that we can lend out from the school if people want to borrow them to take photos prior to Graduation.

7. There will be time to go into the washroom and arrange the graduation gown, hat, tassel, stole, etc.

8. There will be some photo ops on the way to the cafetorium, Red carpet, etc. Bring a camera or your phone.

9. Students and Guests must decide who will accompany the graduate on to the stage.

10. The students name will be called. A short bio about the student will be read 2-4 sentences, please submit through Google form. This will be edited by Teachers at the school. It may include involvements at school, special program- French Immersion, 02, and plans for next year.

11.Students and Guests must decide who will present the diploma to the student.

12. There will be a photo of the presentation of the diploma. There will be a photo of the “bubble” of people who wish to be in that photo together.

13. The Graduate and party will leave the stage.

14. If the weather is good there is an opportunity for photos in the back patio area of the school.

15. Gown must be handed back in, before leaving.

16. Total time at the school 15-25 minutes.

17. We cannot have other guests or friends show up at the school. We cannot be seen as creating conditions which lead to a gathering of more than 10 people.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. DeYoung, Mr. White, Mr. Smith or Mr. Savage.
We look forward to seeing you on June 25th.


Pat Savage